How Do I Open a Magic Ritual, or set the tone to work a spell?

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The opening of a magical ritual or the beginning of spellwork sets the stage for the workings that follow. Establishing a sacred space and inviting the energies of the unseen realms to manifest gives you both protection and inspiration. Today, we will delve into various techniques and approaches to cleansing and setting up your space, providing step-by-step instructions for each method. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a curious beginner, these practices will help you create a potent and sacred space for your magical work.

The most important rule is this:

Make sure you feel comfortable, wherever that space may be. It could be your back yard or your closet. Make sure you feel good about using the space, and that you have privacy. The most influential part of any ritual or spellwork is You.

You are what fuels it, everything else is there to help you focus your intention and energy.

Now that you have your space picked out, lets get into different ways practitioners start their workings! There are endless ways that different disciplines, students, and cultures structure their workings. Eventually, you will find your own special formula that is perfect for you. Don’t be afraid to try different methods! Explore with appreciation and be respectful of the different cultures and disciplines of magic you are working with, and appreciate the roots and history of these practices.

Casting A Circle

If this is your first foray into magic, a simple circle casting might be perfect for you. The classical method of casting a circle dates back to ancient times and has formed the foundation for many contemporary magical practices. The easiest and most direct way is physically drawing a circular boundary. Some use a staff, wand, or you could simply walk the circumference. All of these techniques are done while visualizing a protective barrier being erected. Many practices then invoke the elemental energies, watchtowers, or other deities they work with.

Elemental Invocations

Some magical traditions place particular emphasis on invoking and working with elemental energies during the circle casting process. Practitioners align themselves with the qualities of the elements by calling upon beings or spirits associated with Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and sometimes, Spirit. This method enhances the connection between the worker and the elemental forces, fostering a deeper sense of attunement within the circle. Many refer to this as Calling the Quarters. Below is a reference for a basic elemental opening:

1. Prepare Your Sacred Space:

   - Cleanse and purify the ritual space using your preferred method, such as smoke cleansing, visualization, or ritual bathing.

   - Set up your altar or workspace at the center or in a prominent position within the ritual space, adorned with representations of the elements (e.g., candles, stones, feathers, chalices) and any other tools or symbols you wish to incorporate.

2. Begin in the East:

   - Stand in the eastern quarter of the ritual space, facing east. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

   - Extend your arms outward, palms facing up, and visualize a gentle breeze blowing from the east, carrying the energy of Air.

   - Speak or chant an invocation to the element of Air:   "Winds of the East, gentle and free, I call upon you, element of Air, to be. Bring forth clarity, intellect, and inspiration, Guide us with your wisdom in this sacred space."

3. Move to the South:

   - Turn to the south, facing south, and visualize a warm and vibrant flame igniting in the southern quarter, representing the element of Fire.

   - Extend your arms outward, palms facing the flame, and invoke the element of Fire with words or chant, "Flames of the South, burning bright, I call upon you, element of Fire, with all my might. Ignite our passions, transform and inspire, Infuse this ritual with your transformative fire."

4. Proceed to the West:

   - Turn to the west, facing west, and visualize a gentle flow of water, like a serene stream or ocean waves, emanating from the western quarter, representing the element of Water.

   - Extend your arms outward, palms facing the water, and invoke the element of Water with spoken words or melodic chants, "Waters of the West, flowing and deep,I call upon you, element of Water, your secrets to keep.Emotions and intuition, currents of the soul, Bathe us in your presence, making us whole."

5. Complete in the North:

   - Turn to the north, facing north, and visualize solid and fertile earth rising from the northern quarter, representing the element of Earth.

   - Extend your arms outward, palms facing the earth, and invoke the element of Earth with words or rhythmic chant, "Earth of the North, steadfast and strong, I call upon you, element of Earth, where we belong. Ground us in stability, nurture and provide, Bless this sacred space as we walk side by side."

6. If you wish to, Invoke the Element of Spirit, or any deity you want to work with.

- If you wish to work with a deity, make sure that you have done your research and have planned accordingly. Many practitioners have an offering for a deity they are inviting to work with them.

   - If you wish to invoke the element of Spirit, there are various ways this is done in different traditions. In Wicca, it is normally done by drawing Spirit down to you via a ritual knife or Athame. The Element of Spirit is considered to be everywhere, and all encompassing.

Closing A Ritual

As you feel the energy of the ritual begin to fade or feel intuitively that the magic has peaked it is now time to close the ritual.

Closing the ritual, just like opening, can be performed however you feel comfortable.

  • Traditionally if you decided to cast a circle to close or release that circle you would draw your athame, wand, etc. and draw in the energies of the circle while walking counter clockwise.

  • If you called in the the elements for your working, face their direction and thank them for their presence and assistance with your working.

  • If you called in a deity or divine being hold up their offering and let them know the workings completed and but that they may continue to partake in your offering until it must be disposed of for sanitation purposes. Thank them for their assistance and or guidance during your working.

Before you choose to either blow out your candles or snuff them speak aloud:

“As you all have came in power may you leave in peace. This working is now complete and the ritual/circle is closed”.

Now that you know a few ways to open and close a Ritual, explore! There are so many varied methods across the different traditions that expand across the world.


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