Self Love Jar Spell
Pink Himalayan salt, rose petals, rosemary, rose quartz, three scrolls, jar
Once you have opened your ritual, take a moment to settle yourself, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths. Set out your ingredients in front of you. Start to think about what you want to accomplish with this working. What specifically are you drawing towards yourself? What does self love look like to you? What do you love about yourself? It could be as simple as your smile, or a quality you possess like resilience or kindness. Take a moment to view yourself with the grace you give to those you love—you should always be giving this to yourself. Sit for as long as you like, give yourself time to focus and open your intuition.
Once you have your intention held in your minds eye, it’s time to begin!
Take one of your scrolls and write something you’ve done recently that you are proud of. It can be simple or detailed, include drawings or symbols, even sigils of your own making. Fold it up and set it inside your jar.
Take your pink salt and sprinkle it into the jar and over the scroll. You can repeat what you are proud of yourself for out loud, or in your mind. Feel the love you have for yourself, take your time and explore why this action made you feel proud.
Take your second scroll and write down something you want to love more about yourself. We all have moments or habits or experiences that make us unsure of ourselves, but that doesn’t have to produce shame. Sometimes this world makes it hard to feel like you’re enough—give yourself the chance to find the worthiness that has always resided in you. Once you have finished, roll up your scroll and set it inside your jar.
Take your rose petals and sprinkle them into the jar and over the scroll. You can repeat what you wrote out loud, or in your mind. Feel the love you have for yourself, and take comfort in knowing that you’re always enough, just as you are.
Take your third scroll and write your name on it. Take your time—make little doodles or sigils around your name. Connect with yourself and see yourself as you are, imbuing the scroll with compassion and love for yourself before placing it in your jar.
Take your Rosemary and sprinkle it into the jar over the scroll. You may repeat your name out loud or inside your mind, feeling the empowerment that comes with showing yourself unyielding love.
Take your rose quartz into your hands, rolling it between your fingers or palms, connect with the stone and imbue it with your intention. Think again about the little things you love about yourself—maybe it’s the color of your eyes or your affinity for music or math. Maybe it is something else less concrete, your intuition, imagination, or empathy. Perhaps you’re facing adversity with courage, or finding comfort in the life you’ve built for yourself. Wherever you are in the many seasons of life we see, find that source of admiration that makes you remember your worth. Once you feel ready, place your rose quartz into your jar.
Give yourself a few moments to reflect on the working, settling into the present, enjoying your space and the work.
Once you are ready, you can seal the jar.
If you called any elements or deities, thank them for their guidance and assistance, before releasing them. If you cast a circle or used another form of opening your working, you can release it now.
Keep your jar and carry it with you, store it where you perform affirmations, or somewhere you will be reminded of it. Wherever feels right is where it’s supposed to be.
You did it! Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just getting started, there is something compelling and special about completing a spell or ritual. Take good care of yourself and thank you for supporting our small business