Abundance and Money Drawing


Gold ribbon, Green ribbon, gold candle, green candle, Tiger’s eye, Aventurine, Elderflower, Poppy, Orange peels, Pouch, Paper

Once you have opened your ritual, take a moment to settle yourself, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths. Set both of the candles in front of you, about a foot apart. Light both of the dressed candles, and begin to set your intention. Think of what you want from this working. What specifically are you drawing towards yourself? What does abundance look like in your mind’s eye? What type of money are you drawing towards yourself? Extra money, a raise, or sustained wealth? Sit for as long as you like, give yourself time to focus and open your intuition. Connect to your personal power, we all have it.

Once you have your intention held in your minds eye, it’s time to begin!

  1. Take your piece of paper and write your intent on it. It can be simple or detailed, include drawings or symbols, even sigils of your own making. Fold it up and set it in between the gold and green candles.

  2. Next take your pouch, hold it in your hands, repeating your intention. You can say it out loud, chant it, sing it, or simply think it. The key is to mean it. Say it as many times as you need to until you can feel that you mean it. Every working is different, and you have to give yourself the grace and time to get in touch with your intention. Here is an idea for a chant -I draw from the well of plenty, Prosperity follows me, a companion on my journey. Abundance draws itself to me, and I willingly receive it.- you can use any part of this chant, or make up your own.

  3. Set your pouch in between the candles as well. Take a break to center yourself if you need to. Spells and rituals aren’t a race, take all the time you need. Once you are ready, do the same with the crystals, herbs, and ribbons. Hold each in your hands in turn, imbuing them with your intent and energy, before setting them between the candles as well.

  4. Now it is time to assemble your bag. Place your crystals, herbs, and paper inside the pouch. You may assemble your bag in any order you like, do what feels right to you. Once your bag is assembled, tie it closed with each ribbon in turn, making three knots in each. Each time you tie a knot, speak or think your intention once more.

  5. Give yourself a few moments to reflect on the working, settling into the present, enjoying your space and the work.

  6. Once you are ready, You can blow out your candles or snuff them out, saving them for a later working, such as recharging this bag. Or simply sit with them, letting them burn down.

  7. If you called any elements or deities, thank them for their guidance and assistance, before releasing them. If you cast a circle or used another form of opening your working, you can release it now.

  8. Keep your pouch and carry it with you, store it where you make your money, or if you have a space to create or sell goods. Wherever feels right is where it’s supposed to be.

You did it! Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just getting started, there is something compelling and special about completing a spell or ritual. Take good care of yourself and thank you for supporting our small business


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