Mugwort, or Artemisia Vulgaris, is used mainly for developing psychic abilities, prophetic dreams, and astral projection.
Please beneath a pillow to produce prophetic dreams or burn as an incense during divination sessions. Place in water to wash crystal balls, scrying mirrors, or other tools before ritual use.
Planet Association: Venus
Element Association: Earth
Weight: 1 oz
Mugwort, or Artemisia Vulgaris, is used mainly for developing psychic abilities, prophetic dreams, and astral projection.
Please beneath a pillow to produce prophetic dreams or burn as an incense during divination sessions. Place in water to wash crystal balls, scrying mirrors, or other tools before ritual use.
Planet Association: Venus
Element Association: Earth
Weight: 1 oz
Mugwort, or Artemisia Vulgaris, is used mainly for developing psychic abilities, prophetic dreams, and astral projection.
Please beneath a pillow to produce prophetic dreams or burn as an incense during divination sessions. Place in water to wash crystal balls, scrying mirrors, or other tools before ritual use.
Planet Association: Venus
Element Association: Earth
Weight: 1 oz